The use of mentoring has exploded in corporate life and within a variety of organizations, both big and small. Whether you are being mentored for the first time, or if you have just accepted the role of mentor. I want to give you 5 things that I have learnt from being a mentor over the past few years:
#1: Be a Critical Friend

#2: A Sounding Board

#3: The Voice of Experience

#4: The 'Wake Up' Call

However, there comes a point when they may not be progressing or they have come to a full stop. As a mentor you then provide the wake up call – take them back to the reasons why they started the project, or whatever it is they are embarked upon, and ask them whether they are still valid and if they are going to complete on the original basis. Perhaps the original objectives need to be changed, but a good mentor helps the mentee to refocus on what is important and encourages them to get their mojo back.
#5: Guide DO NOT Lead

These are just five of my own personal reflections on being a mentor, you may have others, but I hope that you derive some benefit from them. Have you been mentored, what did you learn from the process? Have you been a mentor, what would you offer other would-be mentors as good advice?
Will Trevor is the Founder and Training Consultant at Windsor Training. Please click 'Follow' if you would like to hear more from Will in the future. Feel free to also connect via his Linkedin page, or via Twitter and Facebook or email:
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Picture Credits: (1) (Contemplation - Art Critic, Pompidou Centre Modern Art Gallery, Paris, France by Steve Greaves; (2) The Dangling Conversation by Trev (3) Patel's Father. Gwarko, Nepalby Zak Zavada (4) wake up by Emmanuel; (5) Susanna by Niall Kennedy
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